There are five lesson in this course.
Lesson #4 Description: Supporting people with behavior that interferes with their ability to live and work in the community can be difficult. It requires competent and committed professionals in order for people to be successful in changing the way they get their needs and wants met. This lesson provides an overview of the standards and expectations for professionals doing this work.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
A functional behavior assessment is a critical component to understanding the function an interfering behavior serves for the person. It is a way of figuring out why behaviors occur--specifically, what conditions are in effect before the interfering behavior happens, and what outcomes the interfering behavior produces that gives it a reason to keep occurring again and again.
An assessment that operationally defines interfering behaviors, identifies the situations in which the interfering behavior is likely to occur and not occur, and generates a hypothesis of why the behaviors occur.
This must be conducted by a qualified professional.
It must also consist of direct observation of all of the following elements:
Click here to read the actual text of the PSR and find qualified professionals by license
While each employee must be competent, supervisors and managers must set the tone and provide resources for other staff. Below are core responsibilities:
Applies to Staff who:
All professionals who are part of supporting people who engage in interfering behavior must have eight hours of training before assuming these responsibilities. The training must cover the following topics. Each person must also demonstrate competency in applying the knowledge they gain in the training.
Staff who develop positive support strategies & executives, managers and owner in non-clinical roles
License holders, executives, managers and owners in nonclinical roles
Many of these topics and those on the previous page are covered in courses available through DirectCourse.
There is a test linked to this lesson. You must take the test to receive credit for completing the lesson. Once you have finished reviewing this lesson, close the pop-up window and go back to your lesson assignment list. Then click on the title of the lesson you just completed, you will be taken to the welcome page again. A blue button "Take the Test" will have appeared. Click on it to take the test. Once you complete, submit, and pass the test, the lesson will be credited as complete.